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5 life lessons nobody gonna tell you

Life is not easy. Yes.

Life is full of unexpected things. Yes.

But it is what makes your life different from others.

Your lesson learned today, no matter how hard it is, strengthens your skills and knowledge in the future.

Life lessons

So don’t hesitate to learn from your mistakes. Always be open to learning from others. However, there are always some life lessons nobody gonna tell you. You can only receive these lessons by observing, researching, and reflecting on yourself.

To make that process easier, here are some biggest lifetime lessons that no one teaches you:

1. Listen to learn

This may sound kind of weird. But believe us, this is the basis to shorten your path to success.

You have to listen carefully enough to identify the key messages. You should pick up good practices and follow them, and realize bad practices to stay away from. That's how you grow and evolve successfully. But don't get us wrong, it is by no means that you have to completely change yourself. You still stay true to yourself, but in a better version.

Listen to learn

(Photo credit: Internet)

2. Feed your soul

Another kind of weird lesson. But the more you feed your soul, the more creative you are, the better you can adapt to any situation in life. But what does it mean?

Basically, it is when you do what you love, what makes you comfortable, what you want to do for a long time.

It could be taking a gap year to regain your work-life balance. It could be learning new skills. Or it could simply be going for a trip.

Pro tip: sometimes, try to step out of your comfort zone. You may be surprised by the incredible results.

3. Be prepared for unexpected things

It is clear that life is full of surprises. You can never know what will happen on the next day, next week, next month, etc exactly. All you can do is be well-prepared.

By being well-prepared, you can quickly respond and solve anything without feeling overwhelmed. Not to mention, well-preparation can save you a huge amount of time and effort when it comes to problem-solving.

4. Do not regret

Yes. Do not regret anything. What happened, let it go. The past is the past. Focus on living your life in the moment.

Instead of wasting time in regretting, you should pay more attention to your future. You learn from the past to complete yourself, to get ready for all unexpected things to come. That’s what makes you different from others in the long term.

Do not regret
(Photo credit: Internet)

5. Be independent

Despite gender and age, never let yourself depend on others.

Never let anyone decide what you should or should not do.

You own your life. You decide your future.

If you want to take a gap year, take it. Let’s give yourself a chance to visit a new country, discover new cultures, and try different cuisines. Our recommendation for you is Indochina: Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, pick the one of your interest (or maybe all of them!)

If you want to try a new career path, try it. Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and learn new things. You may be surprised by your potential :D

Being independent also means you should minimize your expectations of others. Do not expect anyone to do you a favor, instead, learn to do it yourself. Moving boxes by yourself is normal. Going out for dinner by yourself is normal. Traveling by yourself is normal.

It could require quite a lot of time and effort in the beginning, but it will bring you more benefits in the long run.

6. Worry less

Life is complicated. Yes.

There are so many things you have to worry about. You may worry about small things such as your final exams, or bigger things such as your relationship or your career path.

But you should know, that worry can do nothing except from wasting your time and decrease your motivation. Instead of spending time worrying about what other people thinking, you should put more effort into being more effective, and more productive.

7. There is no “the right time”

Believe it or not, you can never find an exact right time to do something. So rather than delaying everything and waiting for “the right time” you should do your work as soon as everything is ready. You are ready, all the materials are ready, all the preparations are done, then just do it.

Waiting can do nothing but waste time and resources.

Not to mention, you can never know the result until you get to do it. So just prepare well and get things done as soon as possible.

No “the right time”
(Photo credit: Internet)

Of course, each person may need different lessons, and there are a lot more lessons we haven’t mentioned here. But we believe these are the seven most basic lessons for a meaningful life regardless of your gender, age, occupation, etc.

These seven lessons will set a firm base for all actions coming. So keep these in mind and learn them by heart.


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