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How to travel in Vietnam with kids

It is a fact that travelling with kids ain’t easy, especially in a foreign country. You would never know what kind of travelling experience is waiting for you there in a new destination, not sure it will be good or bad? Vietnam, on the other hand, has proven that it is a family – friendly destination for people around the world. Thousands families have enjoyed their Vietnam family tours in this beautiful country. The natural beauty, delicious food and lovely people of Vietnam ensure you will have a fascinating family vacation. Today, we would like to share some best tips to have the great trips in Vietnam when travelling with kids:

Family tours in Vietnam with kids


A few weeks before travelling to Vietnam with kids, it is a good idea to visit your doctor and get advice about the necessary vaccinations for your family. Knowing the risks and have appropriate preparation will ensure an enjoyable holiday in Vietnam. Also, pack up some stomach medications and keep them handy for the entire trip is recommended. Vietnamese cuisine, especially the street food is among the very best cuisines in the whole world and totally worth trying. If your family is new to Indochina, it may take a couple of days for your stomach to adjust However in most cases, the stomach trouble is just drastic change in diet or climate and the normal stomach medications could help easily. Hand sanitizer should be brought along your trip in Vietnam too. After a long journey to the countryside, your kids definitely need to clean their hands before having meals.

Sun cream is a must because the sunlight in Vietnam can be so strong and potent sometimes. Insect repellent and anti-itch cream are also recommended to carry with you when travelling in Vietnam with kids.

Prepare enough water

Remember to drink only bottled water when visiting Vietnam with kids, the tap water can be contaminated and may cause illness. Ice is okay but only for the good restaurants or hotels as it is machine-made from distilled water. Vietnam can be very hot and humid for most of the year, so prepare enough water for a long travelling day can help to protect your family from dehydration.


Crossing the street in Vietnam with kids can be a real challenge since the traffic in Vietnam is so crowded with thousands of motorbike. But it might not be as hard as it seems to if you know the right way to cross. Always remember to keep your movements and your pace predictable and let the drivers on motorbikes know where you intend to go, then you will be fine. However, if you hesitate, run or change the speed and direction suddenly, you are putting yourself in danger. A good tip is watching how the locals do it then copy them or follow them when you want to cross the street.

In major cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, there are still pick-pockets and bag-snatchers, let keep your valuables close to you. Remember to keep wallets in front pocket and your bags in front of you when going through the crowded areas. If you kids have their own cell phones, tell them not to wave their phones around. When walking on the street, make sure your small kids do not anything valuable or can be mistaken as expensive things. They can be targets for snatchers.

Also, do not put your money in one place. Separate the daily budget in a handy spot and keep the rest in a safe spot. Always have copies of all your document as well: passports, flight tickets, visas, medication prescriptions (if any).

Vietnam customized tour with kids

Interact with local people

Vietnamese people love kids, this is the unquestionable truth. So, spend more time in local area and encourage your kids to interact with the local people will make the Vietnam trip more interesting to them. Local people would like to put their hand on the kids, hug them and take picture with them. Don’t be alarmed as it is the local culture, just tell your kids beforehand and teach them to show polite signs if they are not feeling comfortable. Moreover, interacting with local people can be a good way to teach them about gratitude and gratefulness. Vietnam can be a great place to remind your kids or even the whole family of all you have to be thankful for. Look at the way other people around us are living or surviving and you should never take everything for granted. It is an educational and unforgettable experience for the entire family holidays in Vietnam, isn’t it?

Vietnam customized holidays with kids

Plan some periods of time to do kids’ stuff

Vietnam is a tropical country, the weather here can be very hot and humid when you do the sightseeing. It can easily makes your children bored, tired and even overwhelming. So, remember to have breaks during the travelling day to do some kids’ stuff: spend some time at the playgrounds or parks, return to hotel for swimming in the pool. There are also good amusement parks and waterparks in Vietnam. Cooking classes or unique cultural shows are good choices too. Pick up something you know that your kids would love to do and look forward to, and make sure they know it is coming. That would help your kids to participate more during the Vietnam private tours.

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View tour: Classic Vietnam Family Tour 14 days


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